BlueJean Time is a collaboration tool box for connected humans allowing them to have access to ALL of their STUFF no matter where they are (in an office, in a bar, on the beach, in the rest room…)
The Concept:
A user goes to, logs in and enters the BlueJean Time world. In this world the human can go to Places that they are a member of by invitation or ownership (any human can set up any number of Places for free and invite members to join their place). Every Place upon creation is equipped with the Connect App enabling “Connect”ion with other members of the Place (like Topics, Checklists, Elections, Shared Documents and Templates). Within each place, members can collaborate privately, where all communications are encrypted… more secure than email and spam free.
Every member has a Back Pocket which you carry with you from place to place. This Back Pocket gives you access to your stuff, whether profile settings or quick access to work that you may have in different places. It represents a bag which enables you global access meaning access to stuff outside of the context of a place but, where the work can be done within the security of whatever Place owns the work.
What can I do now?
- Register on the home page (
- Create a Place using the “Create Place” on the Places menu
- Invite Members to my Place using “Add Members” hyperlink below the Places menu
- Create a Topic, by clicking the Topics left bar link and then clicking the Create button at the top of the “worklist”
- Give the Topic and name and fill out the body of the topic with my content
- Save the Topic
- Invite members of my Place to collaborate on that topic by clicking the “double bell” on the Shonnastick (which also allows for the association of a checklist to a topic) on the upper left and selecting members to be notified of this topic’s changes
- Create an Election to decide on which path to follow
- Create a checklist and assign items to Place members and track to completion
- Upload files (docs, spreadsheets, pdfs, mp3′s) and provide feedback on the file content
- Ask Questions about how to do more with BlueJean Time by going to my Places menu and clicking “Return to Community and finding the “Usability Study” topic and posting a question.
- There is no limit to the amount of private places that can be created for communities of interest to collaborate and get work done… for free.